Process of upgrading Firmware and bluetooth version in BS50
Announcer: Ivan Time: 21st Jun 2022
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 Upgrade the firmware of BS50

Connect the technical support to get the latest version firmware.

a. update firmware of scanner in the file “ScannerFirmware”.When update OK, click refresh to double check.



Upgrade the Bluetooth version

Tool download link:


a. Install “nRF Toolbox.apk” in the mobile phone(Android system).

b. Copy OTA file to the phone.

d. Open nRF Toolbox in the phone,

e. Use easyset to send the command “WLSOTA” to enable upgrade the Bluetooth version.


f. Use nRF Toolbox to upgrade as following steps.


Select the file:””


Select “DfuTarg” to upgrade the scanner.



       g. There will be a beep when the upgrade is successful.


After upgrade, you can check the version information in the Easyset-online device.The scanner need to power off and then power on , the Bluetooth version will show the new version after upgrade Bluetooth version.

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