1. Download Newland configuration tool Easyset from:
Install Easyset in PC.
If you had installed Easyset, skip this step.
2. Connect HR3280 with PC and Open Easyset. Enter the online device page and check the device information as following.
Check the firmware version first. Driver license function is only supported by V1.01.051 and above.
If the current firmware version is below V1.01.051, download the latest firmware version (V1.01.055) from:
3. Unzip the firmware file HR32 PLUS V5_V1.01.055.bin3 from the download package.
Click Configure Device to enter the detail setting pages.
If the current interface is not USB CDC COM Port, it suggests to change to USB CDC COM Port to reduce the updating process time.
When Click Save to Device Button, it need to restart the scanner.
Click OK.
4. Enter Online device page again, click Update firmware Button, choose the target BIN file and Update:
Click Yes to continue:
When finish the updating, click Exit.
Click Refresh Button to check the current firmware version:
5. Click Configure Device to enter the detail setting pages.
Enter the follow page to set the Driver License Parsing by your requirement.
Then Save the configuration to the device.
6. Test the decoding result in command center:
7. Remember to change the interface back to the one that you set before.