For HR2081-BT/HR15-BT/HR32-BT/HR52-BT
1. Install the nRF connect.apk in the BLE test tool.zip file to android device.
2. Config the Bluetooth scanner to Bluetooth BLE mode
3. Open the nRF connect apk
4. Click Connect to connect the device.
5. Click Bond to Bond the device with the Host
6. Then you will see device connected and bonded.
7. Click Nordic UART Service-TX characteristic right button, then click show log to check the connection between device and host.
8. Then when you scan barcode, you can see the data transmit in the log.
9. You can also install BLE Demo apk in the BLE test tool.zip file to android device.
10. After you connected and Bonded in the nRF connect apk, you can open BLE demo.
When you scan barcode,it will show on the BLE demo apk.
Guest 1Good16th Dec 2023