How to Save Scan Images from Newland PDA via API
1. Import the Required Libraries
Import `ScanToolLib.jar` and `libnlstools_jni.so` into your source code project.
2. Implement the method
Create an object of the `ScanTool` class, implement the `SetOnImageListener` interface, and override the `OnPreViewCallBack` method. This method returns information about the decoded image.
Example Source Code:
ScanTool scanTool = new ScanTool(this); // Create an object
scanTool.SetOnImageListener(this); // Implement the callback interface
scanTool.Connect(DE3_WIDTH, DE3_HEIGHT, 1); // Initialize
public void OnPreViewCallBack(byte[] data, int width, int height, int decodeState,
CodeCoordinate coordinate, int centerX, int centerY,
int codeType, byte[] code) {
String codeStr = "";
if (code != null && code.length > 128) // The first 128 bytes are the header and need to be removed
codeStr = new String(code, 128, code.length - 128, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); // Always convert in this format
Parameter Description:
- `data`: Image data
- `width`: Image width
- `height`: Image height
- `decodeState`: Decode status (1 for success, others for failure)
- `coordinate`: Barcode coordinates
- `centerX`: X-coordinate of the cross laser (within the image)
- `centerY`: Y-coordinate of the cross laser
- `codeType`: Barcode type
- `code`: Barcode content
3. Process the Returned Image Data
Perform the necessary processing based on the returned image data. For more details, refer to the demo program "ScanImageSave.apk" and its sample code.
Download Related Files
You can download the required files from the following link:
Contents of the Link:
- API Documentation:
- How to Save Scan Images from Newland PDA via API.doc
- Demo Program & Source Code:
- ScanImageSave-2.0.apk
- ScanImageSave
- API Files:
- arm64-v8a/libnlstools_jni.so
- armeabi-v7a/libnlstools_jni.so
- ScanToolLib.jar