Solution to N1 Upgrade Failure
Announcer: Dorrit Time: 31st May 2024
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Solution to N1 Upgrade Failure

Question: If the N1 device experiences a crash during an upgrade due to a disconnection, resulting in the device being unable to power on or scan barcodes, the following methods can be used to repair it:

  1. First of all , please check whether the equipment is upgrade failure or not.
  2. Download and install the latest easyset of V1.2.32

[Easyset V1.2.32]

  1. Make sure the interface of N1 is RS232.
  2. Open command center in Easyset, if you see Com port here which means the communication is normal, then click open.

  1. Then “Update Firmware” will be shown at the right side, click “Browse” to select the firmware, and “Update”.

  1. Wait until the firmware upgrades successful, then you will hear a sound beep which means the device recover.

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