FR80 second port scanner command config Guide
Announcer: Ivan Time: 15th Sep 2023
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FR80 second port scanner command config Guide

This guide is for the command config to secondary port external newland scanner via Host side command to FR80 directly.

Need firmware support.

FR80 firmware version above STORM-D.UQ101.CS.H03.2

Command protocol:


prefix1 length command rsv surfix


prefix2 length ack rsv surfix


Prefix1 :  fixed two byte; hex: 7b 3e ascii: {>

Prefix2 :  fixed two byte hex: 7b 3c ascii: {<

Length:  two byte; length of the command or ack ; when no response is 0

Command: original newland unified command(complete hex command)

Ack: original newland unified command response(complete hex command)

Rev: reserved, one byte, fixed 0

Suffix: fixed hex:7d ascii:}



For example:

Enable code128 barcode on external scanner

original newland unified command:


Hex : 7e 01 30 30 30 30 40 31 32 38 45 4e 41 31 3b 03

So command for external scanner is

Command length is 16, so length hex in the below command is 00 10


Hex: 7b 3e 00 10 7e 01 30 30 30 30 40 31 32 38 45 4e 41 31 3b 03 00 7d


Hex 7b 3c 00 11 7e 01 30 30 30 30 40 31 32 38 45 4e 41 31 06 3b 03 00 7d

No response example(unified command format is wrong or other reason which cause external scanner no response)

Request: 7b 3e 00 10 7e 00 30 30 30 30 40 31 32 38 45 4E 41 31 3b 03 00 7d

Response: 7b 3c 00 00 00 7d

How to check the command config result:

Only need to check the original newland unified command part.


Hex: 7b 3e 00 10 7e 01 30 30 30 30 40 31 32 38 45 4e 41 31 3b 03 00 7d


Hex 7b 3c 00 11 7e 01 30 30 30 30 40 31 32 38 45 4e 41 31 06 3b 03 00 7d

06 means ACK ,config successfully.Refer to newland unified command programming guide.

It’s the same with original command rule.

Command test on Easyset(or use serial port tool to test with complete hex command)

Hex send: Hex display

Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generated

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