1, If the upgraded version is from old version to NQ1000II-V1.00.003.EN or higher, after you finished the upgrade you may find Nquire1000 can scan barcode but without beep notification .
1)If the new firmware version is between NQ1000II-V1.00.003.EN~ NQ1000-II_G_V1.00.006
Please open “Settings”-"Scan Setting" and check whether the message below "Symbologies" shows "Unknow"
If the message shows "Unknow", please scan the following two setting barcodes then reboot NQuire1000.
※Since the buzzer doesn't beep right now, so you need to judge whether the reading is successful based on the change of the aiming light. It is recommended that you scan it several times to make sure the Settings are successful
After reboot please check the “Symbologies” message again it will shows "EM2037" and the beep sound will become normal. If it still shows "Unknow" means the previous scan failed, please try to scan again.
2) If you upgrade from old version to NQ1000-II_G_V1.00.008 version, it shows EM2037, but if you enter the symbologies, you will see the barcode type all not be chosen. and scan barcode without beep.
please scan the following two setting barcodes then reboot NQuire1000.
※Since the buzzer doesn't beep right now, so you need to judge whether the reading is successful based on the change of the aiming light. It is recommended that you scan it several times to make sure the Settings are successful
After reboot please check the “Symbologies” again, and enter the “Symbologies” to check the barcode type chosen or not. And if it successfully config, when scan barcode,you can hear the good read beep.
Guest 1Where are the firmware, in support dont see18th Nov 2023
William:please contact support@newlandaidc.com with info of your device's serial number, then our tech support team will contact you with the same18th Nov 2023