Newland AIDC: the only certified AIDC provider in the Technological R&D Center of Postal Industry

In order to effectively enhance innovation capabilitieson postal technology, the State Post Bureau of China initiated a certificationprogram to build the Technological R&D Center of Postal Industry. Theprogram is administrated and reviewed by the State Post Bureau in identifiedscopes including 11 segments: IOT, Auto-identification, AI, Blockchain, Securityof Network, Robotics, etc.
Newland AIDC is honored to be the only solutionprovider certified for Auto-identification under the program.
The Technological R&D Center of Postal Industry (theCenter) represents the first-class R&D capability in the postal industrynationwide. All qualified members in the Center will be elected and reviewedevery two years on corporate overall competency, R&D competency, human resource, finance,supply chain, and the capability and capacity to turn innovation intoreality.
In the past two decades of deep cultivation in thelogistics industry with high-end AIDC technologies, Newland AIDC has been ableto provide customers with complete solutions from the outfield toinfield applications and a diversified portfolio of handheld and fixed-mount scanners, enterprise mobile terminals, wearable devices,mobile device management, and new AI product and software. Our productsand services are supportive of information engineering construction inthe postal industry.
Through in-depth customization of products andindustrial solutions, we have cooperated with many global expresscompanies. We will continue devoting ourselves to technological researchand innovation and accelerating to transform our research achievementsinto products with smarter and safer solutions.