
Korea Newland Day: Renew for A Sustainable Future

20th Jul 2020
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A Newland Day Event was held in Korea on July 22, 2020. This event marks as a business gradually recovering from the COVID-19 crisis and stepping into the next stage of thriving.

Abide by the social distancing policy in Korea, a selected group of partners joined the event. New products were launched and presented, we explored Newland AIDC’s local market strategy, updated product roadmap and channel program on how to sustain the higher business growth in Korea. Later on, all partners had a great time playing golf outside and enjoying the fresh air.


Challenges and uncertainties posed by COVID-19


The unique nature of the COVID-19 crisis posed a new set of challenges for businesses all around the globe. Many faced muted demand, radical customer expectations, and operational challenges. Newland AIDC perceived how major COVID-19-related market and societal shifts have caused substantial uncertainties that need to be navigated and seized as an opportunity to grow and change.


Quick response and actions


Prompt actions and decisions are imperative, especially during the COVID-19 crisis. To get the business back on track, Newland AIDC makes strategic planning a continual activity to respond quickly to the inevitable changes. These quick actions overlapped with partners to provide timely solutions and services to end customers. During the post-COVID phase, the first on call will be the winner for all.


Responsive partnership as a the catalyst of the recovery


The approach of working in partnership has built confidence and resilience amid the post-COVID uncertainties. During the recovering phase, Newland AIDC and partners stayed proactive with customer outreach, sought for new markets, and kept informative communication. Newland AIDC used a portfolio of initiatives, adaptive tools and techniques to iterate our businesses, sped up the decision-making process and took the lead to chart a new path forward.


Renew for a sustainable future

As we progress into the new phase of the crisis, we recognize and reinforce critical shifts to build a joint future. It didn’t return to the place we left off before the crisis, but a higher and farther place to which we move forward quickly.