How to use KM60_ISP_APP to upgrade FW or config
작가: Stephen 시간: 30th Jul 2021
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조회수1716 회 댓글 0개

KM60_ISP_APP_A1.3 User guide

1.      Unzip KM60_ISP_APP_A1.9 and Open KM60_ISP_APP.exe

Change the language to English.

2.      Disconnect the dongle with the host.

Hold the trigger of scanner, then connect the scanner with the host by cable.

After that, the device shows in the device manager as following:

3.      Choose the interface as RS232 and choose the port No. as the device manager shows, keep the default band rate as 9600.


4.      Choose the download route as …\KM60_ISP_APP_A1.9 BTV2.08B.T3\program_file.

Click Start.

5.      Finish upgrade the FW

6.      Disconnect the cable with host.

Insert the dongle and scan the following barcode to check the FW version:

If the output is as following, it means the scanner was upgraded successfully.


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