How to set the dataformatiing
작가: Stephen 시간: 26th Jul 2021
와 공유:
조회수3496 회 댓글 0개

1.     Download the Easyset from:

Install it in the PC

2.     Open easyset and enter Online device:

3.     Scan the barcode to change the interface to USB CDC COM, then click the Refresh button.



4.     Double click the device or click Configure Device button to enter the device.

5.     Choose 3. Data formatting and Data formatter.

The default data formatting setting is Off, need to enable it by your requirement.

Click Editor button to set the datafomatting.

6.     All the changes will be shown in the Configuration History, click Save to Device.

For the other details instruction, you can refer to the following video:

Or user guide in the installation file route of easyset.

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