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18thOct 2022Newland AIDC Announces Partnership with CFI GlobalNewland AIDC Announces Partnership with CFI Global The Authorized Value-added Distributor (VAD) Operates Throughou...18th Oct 22더 읽기
19thJul 2022Thank You for Joining Newland AIDC India Partner Technical TrainingIt's our great pleasure to have you, our honest India partners, join Newland AIDC India Partner Technical Training on Ju...19th Jul 22더 읽기
27thMay 2022Newland AIDC to Introduce the Next Wave of Automation셀프서비스와 비대면 솔루션이 다양한 분야에 점진적으로 확산됨에 따라, 뉴랜드AIDC는 바코드 스캐닝의 신기원을 이루고 있음을...27th May 22더 읽기
29thApr 2022India Newland Day 2022We can’t wait to express our gratitude to all the partners who attended our inspiring India Newland Day 2022! Your...29th Apr 22더 읽기
29thMar 2022Newland AIDC Grateful Join NAMA 2022 as a SponsorWith over 20 years of technical precipitation in the automatic identification industry, Newland AIDC possesses co...29th Mar 22더 읽기
29thJan 2022The 2021 Annual Meeting of Newland AIDCOn Jan. 26th, 2022, with the theme of "Adhere to Technical Innovation with Initial Passion, Embrace Grander Chal...29th Jan 22더 읽기